When I paint, it’s as if I enter a separate world, where only concentration and creativity matter. The strong smell of turpentine fills the air, while pots of colour brighten the workspace. In this large room, the canvas is placed on the table, waiting to be transformed. It all starts with the choice of colours, a crucial moment where I decide the atmosphere and emotion I want to convey. Then, the ballet begins. Like an athlete in a gym, I move around the artwork, tilting it, spinning it to let the colours flow and blend harmoniously. Layer after layer of lacquer, nuances overlap, mix, and meld. Sometimes they dry and withdraw, creating unique wrinkles and textures. And finally, after this passionate process, the artwork is born, often vivid, colourful, full of relief and lively colour changes.

It’s then that I realize how painting is an intrinsic powerful form of expression that transcends the limitations of verbal language and communicates directly with our emotions and sensitivity. Where words can sometimes be limited in expressing complex feelings, painting offers an alternative path, rich in nuances and subtleties, to express what cannot be said with words. It has the power to transcend cultural, linguistic, and social barriers by communicating at a universal level. The emotions and human experiences it captures are often universal, allowing viewers from different backgrounds and cultures to connect with the artwork and feel its emotional impact.